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Basic & Applied Science

Chemistry is made up of both basic and applied science. Researchers dive into a chemical’s treasure chest of secrets and try to understand why it acts the way it does. Basic science then tries to understand the rules governing the properties of matter.

However, most people want to know more about applied science, since it applies to everyday things. How is rust formed and how do you remove it? How do clothes get clean when washed with soap made from ashes and fat. Why does copper turn green and then black when exposed to air? How can self-assembled carbon nanotubes carry information and electricity? 

Scientific Method

The early development of a scientific method arose from Aristotle’s laws of logic. He saw the importance of observation and then classified what was observed in order to better understand nature.
In the Middle Ages, Ibn al-Haythem, a Persian mathematician and student of greek philosophy, developed the scientific method further. His study of Aristotle’s works made him realize that physical science and mathematics were important keys to unlocking the universe’s mysteries. During his life, he developed different experiments to check his physical observations and made valuable discoveries in the study of vision. Al-Haytham’s seven-volume Book of Optics, written between A.D. 1011 and 1021, correctly described the transmission, reflection,and refraction of light. His work demonstrated the early power of the scientific method.
In modern times, Galileo (1564-1642) is commonly credited with being the father of the scientific method although many scientists have added to his understanding over the centuries. By the twentieth century, the scientific method was arranged into four steps:

Ever since fire was first discovered, people realized how it changed the environment; nearby grass was burned to ash and trees were blackened to char. Eventually, by following the scientific method, scientists made great discoveries, such as what happens when something burns, etc. They realized collecting as much information as possible before any conclusions was critical to gaining understanding. 
in the eighteenth century, Antoine Lavoisier, a french Scientist, found that when silvery mercury was burned in the air, it turned into a red-orange substance with a greater mass than that of an original mercury sample. He also made observations about the gases in the air. For these discoveries, Lavoisier is often called the father of chemistry.