Welcome to AnonymousKnowledge(AK)

Welcome to AnonymousKnowledge(AK) 

We are a non-profit educational platform opposing the privatization of knowledge materials by private corporations.
We provide our users with fresh materials and vast libraries of topics ranging from new and popular materials to fundamental subjects, like (science, politics, history).

We encourage our users to post threads into the topics and, or subjects they are affiliated with. For example: if you post a thread relating to Chemistry, Biology, Geology, etc. Please make it relate to its core subject, in this case, Science. By doing this you are only going to find what you are looking for quicker and more efficiently but you will also contribute to the cleanliness of the page’s content.

If you would like to contribute to the site's repository(the content of the page) and add in your own understanding of a subject that you think we missed or perhaps didn't make much sense of, we strongly encourage and recommend you to do this and share your knowledge with the world, the same way we share our’s with you :).